iPhone-based Starbucks Coffee-Ordering System

iPhone-based Starbucks Coffee-Ordering System. Apple will be announcing their partnership with Starbucks to deliver an iPhone-based online quick-order system. QuickOrder, “Get your coffee fix, fast!” iPhone/iPod Touch application that allows the users to purchase their favorite Starbucks drink without waiting in line. This application also includes QuickPay, a swipe transaction system using semacode technology.

How would this iPhone-based Starbucks coffee-ordering system work? Well, designer Phil Lu drew up a few concept images to give us an idea. Keep in mind that all this concept work was done before the Apple patent application was made public. The screenshots look pretty slick and we’d be more than happy to use this system to order our Double Venti Soy Decaf Latte.

When asked why he used a Semacode for purchase verification, Phil responded:

This concept was designed before the Apple patent is widely publicized. Similar to ordering song through the web via iTune account, Semacode works like a digital “receipt,” allowing the user to use their iTunes account for the transaction (which will bypass credit card transaction/identification, and speed up the pick-up process).