GIGABYTE GSmart i350 in Italy

GIGABYTE GSmart i350 has been released in Italy. GIGABYTE GSmart i350 features WiFi, Bluetooth 2.0, microSD memory slot, and the built-in SiRF III GPS receiver, it also packs the full 2.6? VGA (640×480) touchscreen. GIGABYTE GSmart i350 provides SiRF III GPS Navigation in a compact and sleek design, featuring a VGA screen.

GSmart i350 is bundled with GARMIN Mobile XT Navigation software, providing high quality navigation experience and making it your best partner for finding the best route.

GIGABYTE GSmart i350 has a treasured memory which is easily kept and shared with the Track Recognition feature. It lets users save and recall the best routes to places they have been to. Powered by SiRF Star III chipset, GPS Navigation helps users get to destinations with optimized route.

GIGABYTE GSmart i350 in Italy is now sold for 499 Euro. It is available to purchase from Gigabyte’s distributor for Italy, Brightpoint.