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ARM Mali-JSR297 Software for Mobile 3D Graphics. Chip-designer ARM has announced an update to their graphics acceleration software. The ARM Mali-JSR297 software is said to be the “first product to enable developers of Java applications to take advantage of the latest hardware graphics features found in recent GPUs”. As many chip-makers are integrating 3D acceleration into their chipset offerings, mobile gaming will soon approach the level that we are used to seeing in dedicated gaming devices. The ARM Mali-Jsr297 software will allow game developers to have greater control over how their wares are displayed on next-generation devices as well as ensuring greater reliability and stability.
We can expect the ARM Mali-JSR297 software to launch in Q3 2008, after the JSR297 mobile 3D graphics standard is ratified.
Tech in the mobile space is still in its infancy, and keep in mind that advancements like these are just the beginning. It should be interesting to see just how far mobile devices develop in the coming years.